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Isometric muscle contraction

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Isometric muscle contraction

    Isometric muscle contraction

    What is isometric contraction? Definition, usefulness, and scope

    1 video(s)
    Duration : 00h11
    Trainer :
    Angelo Ritorto

    Isometric muscle contraction

    What is isometric contraction? Definition, usefulness, and scope


    This training is the third in our series of glossary videos on types of muscle contraction.

    In this video, you'll learn everything you need to know about isometric contraction.

    First we'll define what isometric contraction is, and then we'll take a look at the four main instances where we see isometric action at work in gymnastics.

    We'll take a look at the relationship between static, plank-style training and isometric contraction, and why associating the two can be both an advantage and a disadvantage.

    We'll also talk about maximum voluntary contraction, and the differences in muscle tension depending on the type of contraction involved.

    To conclude, we'll analyze the benefits and limitations of isometric action in physical preparation.

    Find out more
    1 video(s)
    Duration : 00h11
    Trainer : Angelo Ritorto
